Who We Are

Agatha Print is the work of Scottish photographer and cinematographer Sandy Carson, a long time Austinite with over 25 years of printing experience from his days in magazine editorial and gallery exhibitions.

His work is a balance of commercial, art photography reportage, and personal bodies of work which have been exhibited widely, both nationally and internationally.

Sandy’s accolades include 4 times Best Art Photographer in the Austin Chronicle critics awards and was a finalist in the 2018 Photolucida Critical Mass top 50.

5 monographs of his works have been published thus far.

Carson’s commercial clients include New Balance, LEVI'S, Red Bull, ESPN and his editorial work is published in The New York Times, Bicycling, Harpers and Rolling Stone.

In addition to visual art, he rides bikes and makes music with SKLOSS and runs Family Band, an indie film production house producing commercials and documentary films with his wife Karen.

For more work visit sandycarson.com

photo by Mike Muller